IES's Management College and
Research Centre

Dr. Vijay Bhangale

Marketing and Pharma Marketing

Ph.D., M.M.S. , B.Pharm.
Areas of Interest
Brand Management, Integrated Marketing Communication, Marketing Strategy, Pharmaceutical Marketing, OTC Marketing, Business Strategy
Association with Institution
Date of Joining
November 27, 2006

Work Experience :

Research Output :

Papers Published – International 4 & National 6

Case published in International Journal - 1

Contributions in Conferences, Workshops and Seminars :

Papers presented in conference – International 1 & National 7

Prizes / Awards :

  1. Best Research Paper Award at International Conference, New York, USA.
  2. Global Recognition Award for performance of Mother’s Horlicks
  3. Best Faculty Teaching Award
  4. Maximum paper publication Award  
  5. Best Library usage Award

MDPs / Consulting Assignments Handled :

  1. MDP on Brand Management(Managing Healthcare Brand)
  2. MDP on Stress Management

Consulting projects as follows :

  1. Strategizing & Executing Launch of Consumer Healthcare Business for FDC Ltd.
  2. Formulating Business Strategy for Galderma Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Product Portfolio Rationalization for Apex Pharmaceuticals Pvt.Ltd.
  4. Profiling of OTC Companies for Sorento Healthcare
  5. Business plan for a new Nutritional Business

Others :

Ph.D Students Guided:

One student completed Ph.D in Management.