IES's Management College and
Research Centre


Author Guidelines

The editors invite original unpublished empirical and theoretical papers, case studies and scholarly articles consistent with the scope of the journal.

  • Review Process : All contributions submitted for publication will be subjected to peer-review. To allow blind review, authors are advised to provide their identification, affiliation etc. in a separate sheet and not in the main text. The Chief Editor reserves the right of making editorial amendments in the manuscript to meet the journal’s standards.
  • Format: Articles/Papers (3000-8000 words), and book reviews should be neatly typed as Word document on one-side of A4 size paper with double spacing in Times New Roman, 12-point font size justified text. The author(s) must also submit the soft copy of article/paper either in a CD or through e-Mail.
  • Cover page should provide the title of the paper, name(s), designation and contact details of the author(s), along with a short biography of the author(s) within 100 words.
  • The paper should be accompanied with an Abstract (150-300 words) and a list of keywords included in the paper.
  • Footnotes to the text should be avoided. If required, they should be numbered consecutively and presented as endnotes.
  • Citations of other works should be limited to the name of the author and year of publication. Short quotations should be included in the text within parentheses, while quotations of more than 30 words should be placed in a separate paragraph indented from the main body of the text.
  • References should be indicated in the text by giving the name of author(s), with the year of publication in parentheses. All references should be alphabetically listed at the end of the paper in the following standard APA format:

    Books: Gregory, James R & Wiechmann, Jack G. (2002) Branding across borders: a guide to global brand marketing. Chicago: McGraw-Hill.

    Journal Articles: Joseph, H. (1997) Social Work with Groups: A Literature Review, The Indian Journal of Social Work, 58(2), 195–211.

    Conference Papers: Mehta, Minu (2007) ‘Entrepreneurship & empowerment of women; how & why’, paper presented at the International Conference on Empowerment of Women, CHM College of Arts, Science & Commerce, 28-29 May

    Dissertations: Ahmed, Shahid (1994) ‘An analysis of globalisation of Indian economy’ M.Phil Dissertation, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

  • In the covering letter accompanying the manuscript, the author(s) should certify that the manuscript has neither been published anywhere nor is it being considered elsewhere for publication.
  • The authors should obtain copyright clearance for the information and data used in the manuscript
  • Copyright of all accepted papers for publication and use in any form/format will vest with IES Management College.

Authors/researchers are requested to upload their research paper using our online systems. To submit your paper online, please go to
All the submitted papers will be reviewed as per full double blind peer review by experts in your field. The online submission would help you in tracking the status of your submitted paper. Use the reference number you received after submission to track your submission.

Any queries relating to publication can be directed at any time to,

The Chief Editor - Anvesha
IES's Management College & Research Centre
‘Vishwakarma’ M.D.Lotlikar Vidya Sankul,
Opp. Lilavati Hospital, Bandra Reclamation,
Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050