IES's Management College and
Research Centre

Cultivating Resilience in Students in Top Management Colleges

Dr. Hufrish Majra, Professor - Marketing
May 17, 2024

Resilience is increasingly emphasized in student welfare, acknowledging that student mental health is a significant issue requiring more attention. While some degrees of stress encourage students to perform at their best, uncontrolled stress can have devastating effects. Resilience is "the ability to recover – to bounce back – from misfortune and to adjust quickly to change” (Edward et al., 2009). It also describes the capacity of individuals or groups to overcome challenges. In humans, resilience is linked to various elements and critical characteristics that, when combined, positively influence overall mental and physical welfare. The concept of resilience is now frequently used in the context of student well-being, as it directly impacts their dedication, psychological health, success, and creativity.

Characteristics of Resilient Individuals

Resilient individuals who successfully navigate challenging life situations possess distinct characteristics. They are typically more flexible than vulnerable individuals and cope by utilizing a range of innate or environmental safeguards. Werner (1989) categorizes these protective resources into family unity, support, and networks. Resilient individuals rely significantly on dispositional attitudes and behaviors, such as an internal locus of control, pro-social behavior, and empathy, to overcome obstacles. They are typically more adaptable than susceptible individuals, utilizing a variety of internal or external protective factors.

Building Resilience in Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, whether at the school level or higher education level, play a crucial role in preparing students to face challenges with ease and fortitude. At IES MCRC, one of the top management colleges in Mumbai, numerous avenues are available for building resilience among students. Through outbound programs, students participate in team games and are exposed to challenging situations requiring tenacity and quick thinking. The Mentoring Program, spanning from the time students enter the institute until graduation, provides opportunities for students to speak with faculty mentors about any aspect of their lives. The institute prioritizes student mental health, well-being, and academic engagement, ultimately fostering resilience.

In conclusion, cultivating resilience is essential for student well-being and success, particularly in top management colleges like those in Mumbai. By focusing on mental health, providing robust support systems, and offering challenging yet supportive environments, educational institutions can equip students with the resilience needed to navigate academic and life challenges effectively. This commitment to building resilience ultimately fosters long-term psychological health, dedication, and creativity in students.


Edward K.L., Welch A. & Chater K. (2009). The phenomenon of resilience as described by adults who have experienced mental illness. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(3), 587–95. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04912.x.

Werner, E. E. (1989). High-risk children in young adulthood: A longitudinal study from birth to 32 years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59, 72–81.

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