You may have heard the maxim—what after engineering? As you have seen, people tend to flock toward the MBA route. While the idea is mostly passed in a comical sense, there is a lot more to it. You probably are not aware, but here are 4 reasons why an MBA after engineering is a smarter career option than you can think.
Not one thing in the modern world does not require engineering prowess. From home appliances, to software, to even medical equipment—the world runs on products. Who is behind designing and operating the same? You guessed it right—engineers.
The use-case of this spans across many possibilities. From IT, to core science, to managing software—engineers are needed all across. In this regard, most management operations require a great deal of state-of-the-art technology. Who else is there to provide it, but engineers?
Products are needed to build inter-organisational relationships, but services bind them together long-term. Much like products, who can provide better services? Engineers who understand the market.
The market relies on the innovation of service. Be it the revolutionary prepaid packages of Jio, or the no-cost EMI schemes of tech companies, these are services whose backbone runs on engineering. If engineers pursue MBA, they will understand the need to provide services better. Knowing that, they will be able to engineer better solutions.
What is better than hiring two people to do two jobs? You guessed it right—one person who does both. As an engineer who knows how to market products, you should be the crème de la crème of the organisation, so to state.
An engineer who knows the ways of marketing is a source of relief to HR too. After all, they can spend fewer resources and get more out of the already-talented and knowledgeable engineer. Moreover, considering how rare such a find is, it makes it easy for you to climb the corporate ladder too. Easy hiring, easier progress!
Finally, the pragmatic reason why people pursue MBA after engineering. It adds some great credit value to your degrees. Think about how vastly different MBA and Engineering are—and how much talent it needs to go through this rigorous process.
On the other front, having dual degrees makes you an expert in both arenas. With engineering, you can be technologically sound. You know your way around the intricacies of the machine. With an MBA, you know how the same factory works. You ideally become an expert communicator as well. And if you know your way around the industry, you can develop enough skills to work on an administrative basis too! The sheer value that it adds to your life—both social and personal (and on the paycheck, of course)—is mind-boggling.
Greater scope for jobs, better salaries, more enjoyable career growth, and of course—becoming a master of most trades. Is that too bad a thing to have? Is MBA after engineering a smart choice? You have the answer now.