IES's Management College and
Research Centre

The future is NOW. The future is HeRe

Dr.Mrs.Merlyn Michael
January 11, 2023

Become a part of this HR revolution at IESMCRC; a college known to offer one of the best PGDM Human Resource courses. As per a BCG article, 61% of the populace feels that comprehensive trends are affecting their job, and it will continue to do so. This sense of need to change or, in a way, finding passion has significantly been there across India.

Artificial Intelligence in HR

The HR cloud solution SuccessFactors (SF), with conversational AI capabilities through Recast.AI, SAP Leonardo ML Foundation, IBM Watson, ServiceNow and Microsoft Azure/Skype, demonstrated ways cognitive engines can help employees arrive at key day- to-day decisions in the workplace. 

HR work then:

Historically, HR team members, employees or managers would have had to handle these tasks. An employee can access his or her personal information, e.g., address, emergency contacts, organization details, vacation days available, approval status of vacation requests and authorized HR business data. Managers or HR members can access employee data per authorization, e.g., an employee’s job history, team information or performance rating. 

HR now: How conversational AI changes the game

Conversational AI also can bring analytical and key performance indicator information, e.g., head count, top performers and pending transaction requests — just by asking chatbots. Team managers can plan digital training opportunities for their team based on skill-gap assessments. Conversational AI can help employees and managers track their training progress. Cognitive solutions can help organizations tap into multiple data sources and reveal new insights for better candidate profiles, improving the hiring and recruiting process. 

AI presents an opportunity for HR to automate repetitive, low- value tasks and to increase focus on more strategic work—you can imagine HR management courses like PGDM in human resource management to be reshaped because of these trends.

AIs benefits that change and also improve how human resource departments function

In general HR services include a large amount of time spent on standard onboarding processes for new employees, triaging common questions and employee requests, and basic benefits management. Saving time in those areas can help HR teams do more creative and strategic work for the success of the company. 

Predictive analytics

It is an upcoming trend in Human Resources (HR). Recruitment tools predict high performers, and increasingly companies are able to predict which employee is likely to leave. 

Forensic identification 

It is the application of forensic science, or "forensics", and technology to identify specific objects from the trace evidence they leave, often at a crime scene or the scene of an accident in case of an arbitration and for mediation, e.g 

Technology disrupting HR

In a recent report, The Society for Human Resource Management identified employee engagement, talent retention, competitive compensation, and developing the organisational leaders for tomorrow as major human capital challenges. 

Technology will be a vital partner in dealing with these challenges, for example, Big Data helps to gain deep insight and allows HR professionals to make informed decisions based on facts and figures. Most time-consuming, routine and repetitive tasks that frustrate fresh PGDM in HR graduates to seasoned professionals such as keeping track of employees’ time, preferences and work patterns are already being automated. 

This frees up HR to focus on engagement challenges, increasing productivity, and aligning the human side of the organization with business goals. A large number of technologies, like the Microsoft HoloLens headset, are available to make HR more efficient. This headset could be used by human resource professionals for immersive, simulation-based training or off-site assignments. 

Recruitment with Vision basis

It has been signified that the vision is the most important factor that affects the overall organization performance. Similarly, vision-based-recruitment is also exceptionally basic and specialized process for every organization to become successful. 

Salary hikes in India: 

Companies in India gave an average pay increase of 9.3 per cent during 2019, according to Business Today. 

Uber-isation of manpower

We are now in the era of the so-called gig economy or “sharing economy”. A “gig”, initially equated to a paid musical performance, is now “one ride gig” for a private car owner who has transformed his/her vehicle into an on-demand taxi.  Uber and Grab are turning these car owners-taxi drivers into “freelancers” or “independent contractors”. The “uberization” of work is spreading in other industries as in HR. Managing such a workforce is now the mainstream of HR. 

HR diversity issues in India

Diversity Issues in India to be managed in HR are Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes (SCs & STs), Other backward classes (OBCs), Ex- Defence and Para Military personnel, Physically disabled, Displaced persons (DPs), Gender issues, Contract labor, Child labor etc. 

Work inclusion in terms of work-from-home etc.

SHRM defines inclusion separately from diversity as “the achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization's success.” as in work from home etc. 

HR care factor

HR factors include, Technological Innovation: Rapid technological changes and innovations are taking place all over the world, Economic Factors: Economic conditions influence financial “health” of the organization, Employee's Organisations, Labour Markets, Changing Demand of Employers, Legal Factors, Human Resource in the Country etc. 

Accelerated career paths

Charting out accelerated career paths in terms of creating a career map, do favors for people all the time, volunteer for assignments no one else wants, accept that there will be obstacles, and power through them, be patient and wait for the changes you need or the opportunities that are right, find good mentors along the way, get a sponsor, etc. 

Rapid urbanization

Intensive urban growth can lead to greater poverty, with local governments and HR unable to provide services for all people and employees in particular. 

Frigonomics in HR predictive analysis: 

Frigonomics in predictive analytics means those cases where prediction goes wrong. Thus, HR boomerangs management from all ends. 

As we emphasize, the future is now, the future is HeRe.

because having the proper appointed staff sustains and enhance organization’s performance.

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